Class File For Javax.servlet.jsp.pagecontext Not Found
Posted : adminOn 6/22/2018Hi All, I have my web application deployed on WebSphere Application server 6.0,which is running fine.Now my task is to move the web application to 5.5(also included JDK 1.4 compatibility package), as the code is compiled using jdk 1.4.In one of the tag files, i have used implicit object 'pageContext', which is giving error. Code: pageContext.get ServletContext(); Error in tomcat: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP: An error occurred at line: 60 in the jsp file: /WEB-INF/tags/javascriptdeclarations.tag pageContext cannot be resolved 57: 58: 59: 60: <%= nextgen.webui.framework.aggregator.IncludeController.createJSDeclarations((HttpServletRequest)request,pageContext.getServletContext())%>61: I have been searching for any suggestions in Google,but remained clueless.Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Saikrishna Vuddagiri.
Class not found exception for Servlet filter. The web.xml file but get filter not found. Filter-name>class>Disertation.servlets. I am seeing the below errors in my jsp page - javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext cannot be resolved to a type javax.servlet.jsp.JspException cannot be resolved to a type I.
Bear Bibeault wrote: James Garyson wrote:Unfortunately 'pageContext' is not available as an implicit variable in tag files. PageContext is available within tag files within EL expressions. Dark Elf Codex 8th Edition on this page. JSP 2.0 mechanisms are meant to supplant scriptlets, not work with them. Mixing tags files and other JSP 2.0 mechanisms with scriptlets is bound to create difficulties. I should have been more clear: pageContext is not available as an implicit variable in a scriptlet, which is where the author was was trying to use it. Since you are so knowledgeable of EL expressions, please instruct the author on the correct way to achieve the results he is looking for.