Dark Elf Codex 8th Edition

Posted : adminOn 1/19/2018

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Warhammer 8th Edition Dark Elf CodexDark Elf Codex 8th Edition

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Hi guys, Quite new to Fastasy and playing Dark Elves. Only have 2 opponents and 1 is High Elves. Just wanted to make sure we are applying the rules correctly as it seems a bit unfair to me. I understand Dark Elves and High Elves are not keen on each other which is fine. High Elf bonus lets them re-roll panic and fear tests. But my bonus is that I can re-roll all misses in combat against high elves.

But they do that anyway with their always strikes first rule. As they ussually have the same or better initiative, they hit first, re-roll all misses, and can re-roll panic and fear tests.

Doesn't seem right - am I missing something? I agree Crossbows are better Archers.

I agree magic is potentially stronger outside of Teclis/Hoeth (and Sorcery banner). But I can count on one hand the number of non-Teclis/Hoeth mages I've sees in High Elf lists. Crack Jira 6.4 here. I agree Hydras are amazing and should probably cost 25 points more than they do. But counting Light Cavalry as a core unit as one of our strengths?

Yes in 7th, but certainly not in 8th where two-thirds of their utility was nerfed into irrelevence. This just puts us back to Crossbows, though. Kirbinator wrote:I agree Crossbows are better Archers. I agree magic is potentially stronger outside of Teclis/Hoeth (and Sorcery banner). But I can count on one hand the number of non-Teclis/Hoeth mages I've sees in High Elf lists. I agree Hydras are amazing and should probably cost 25 points more than they do. But counting Light Cavalry as a core unit as one of our strengths?

Yes in 7th, but certainly not in 8th where two-thirds of their utility was nerfed into irrelevence. This just puts us back to Crossbows, though. I've done well with my dark riders in 8th. The vanguard means that I'm typically on the flanks supporting my shades on turn 1. Not being able to strip ranks is a bummer, but being able to march (18'!) with leadership test when you were march blocked in the past is just rad. Also, vanguard movement isn't marching, so you can go into woods without taking dangerous tests (it's only dangerous when you march/flee/charge/pursue).

I've been able to bunker down in woods and pepper the enemy daring chariots and cav to come and get some. Running off broken units is still a key roll for fast cav. 117 points gets you 5 dark riders with repeaters and musician. If they run off a broken unit once every other game, I'm sure they will more than pay for themselves. I wanted to post on this subject, and i'll start by saying that i have yet to play against a high elf army in 8th, Not using Teclis.

Other than to challenge yourself, why would you not use him? El Pais Aguilar Guias Visuales Pdf. He is rediculously good, and any dark Elf army facing Teclis will be at half strength before getting to close combat, if they get there at all. With the obvious exception of the high elf botching every single roll in the game. He knows all spells in the chosen Lore, and Irresistable Forces on any doubles, ignores a miscast per magic phase, comes with antimagic, and is guaranteed 3-4 dice in winds (with the banner along), but more likely will have 12 and will IF on 3 dice, on average once or twice a phase. Even ONE IF spell that will not cause Tec a miscast will be a gamebreaker Every Magic Phase.