Biztalk File Adapter Context Properties
Posted : adminOn 3/22/2018How to Assign Message Context Property. Program Files Common Files Microsoft BizTalk Adapters for. Context properties are accessible to. MSMQ Adapter Property Schema and Properties. Adapter context properties, the BizTalk project must contain a reference to the file Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.
You can set File send port adapter variables either programmatically or by using the BizTalk Server Administration console. Gdipfontcachev1 Dat File there. How to Configure the Send Port Programmatically The File adapter stores its configuration information in the SSO database. Configuration information is stored in a custom XML property bag. The File send handler property schema, bts_file_properties.xsd, defines the File adapter-specific properties. You use these properties to configure the File send ports, as well as for passing adapter-specific information within the server.
You can configure the send ports programmatically by using the BizTalk Explorer object model.The BizTalk Explorer object model exposes the ITransportInfo adapter configuration interface for File send ports, which contains the TransportTypeData read/write property. This property accepts the File send handler configuration property bag as a name/value pair XML string. Setting the TransportTypeData property of the ITransportInfo interface is not required. If it is not set, the default values for the File send handler configuration are used.
The following table lists the configuration properties you can set programmatically in the BizTalk Explorer object model for the File send handler location. Property name Type Description CopyMode Long Define the copy mode to use when writing a message to a file. Valid values are: Append (0). The File send handler opens a file if it exists and appends a message to the end of the file. Koshish Ek Asha Serial Title Song.