Patch Notes Wow 2.4.2

Posted : adminOn 2/6/2018

Patch 2.4.2 serves to provide some class and general bug fixes. Any additional changes to. World of Warcraft Patch 2.4.2 - Last updated on The latest patch notes can always be found at Patch V.2.4.2 is planned to release February 8. Hey Fortnite fans, Valentine’s day is coming and Fortnite is getting in the spirit. Feeling lovey-dovey? The page you're viewing is not yet available on the new World of Warcraft. For additional notes on Lua and XML changes please.

World of Warcraft Client Patch 4.2: Rage of the Firelands Updates to the patch notes in red applied June 28, 4:05 p.m. Additional patch 4.2 content and support information can be found. Notes for all World of Warcraft patches can be found. What was to be an auspicious event at the ancient World Tree Nordrassil has ended in tragedy. There, members of the Cenarion Circle and Earthen Ring, including former warchief Thrall, had gathered with the noble Dragon Aspects to unite their powers and restore Nordrassil for the good of Azeroth. Yet word has now spread that a shadowy Twilight's Hammer agent interrupted the ceremony and struck down Thrall with dark magics. Casting his spirit into the four domains of the Elemental Plane.

If these terrible rumors hold true, the Earthen Ring--indeed, all of Azeroth--has lost one of its greatest champions. Although the night elves and their allies repelled Ragnaros's initial invasion of Hyjal, their work on the sacred mount is far from over. Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage has gathered his comrades at the Sanctuary of Malorne within the newly healed Regrowth to invade Ragnaros's domain: the Firelands. Once inside the Elemental Plane, Hyjal's defenders hope to establish a permanent stronghold. Yet these plans have come under threat by a ferocious new elemental assault that has swept through the Regrowth. Despite this setback, Hyjal's protectors remain steadfast in their mission, for they know that it is in the molten heart of the Firelands that the fate of Mount Hyjal will be decided. Ape Escape 2 Ps2 Iso.

Wow Current Patch NotesFfxiv 4.2 Patch Notes

The time to strike at Ragnaros draws near. The battle to protect Mount Hyjal now rages in the depths of Ragnaros's smoldering realm.