Ibm Tivoli Integrated Portal
Posted : adminOn 6/21/2018Depending on your operating system, you might need to manually start the Tivoli Integrated Portal. After the installation, the Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator and any registered users can log in to the Tivoli Integrated Portal by entering the URL in a browser.
Psp Iso Games Under 500mb. Go to TIPHome bin 2. Issue wsadmin.bat and hit enter. You will be prompted for tipadmin userid and password. Please enter the credentials and now you will be on the wsadmin prompt.
Run the below command to get the datasource name and then please verify whether the connection to the same Datasource is successful or not. $AdminConfig list DataSource DefaultEJBTimerDataSource(cells/TIPCell/nodes/TIPNode/servers/server1 resources.xml#DataSource_1000001) tipds(cells/TIPCell/nodes/TIPNode/servers/server1 resources.xml#DataSource_395) $AdminControl testConnection [$AdminConfig getid /DataSource:tipds/] WASX7217I: Connection to provided datasource was successful. Here's the TIP documentation to configure TIP for load balancing with IBM HTTP server. There is also a configuration which is required for the communication between TIP servers and IBM HTTP server - which is missing in the above documentation. I've documented that information here and please ensure that you do the following steps: 1. You need to know the HTTP port that you specified when you installed the IBM HTTP Server and IBM HTTP Server plugin. On the Tivoli Integrated Portal server, open the following file: install_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/config/cells/TIPCell/virtualhosts.xml 3.
Locate the following line: 4.Underneath this line, add the following new line: Where HTTP_SERVER_PORT is the HTTP port that you specified when you installed the IBM HTTP Server and IBM HTTP Server plugin. By making changes to the follow files we can change the default port numbers that TIP runs(6): 1.serverindex.xml - (Inside profiles config cells nodes ) - all endpoint entries 2.virtualhosts.xml - (Inside profiles config cells ) - all HostAlias entries - (Inside properties) - all entries 4.portdef.props - (Inside /profiles//properties) - all entries 5. Waapi.init (Inside /products/ncw/waapi/etc) - waapi.port and waapi.secureport (this is only for webtop installation)). For any TIP installation failure, if you find the below SSLHandshakeException in logs, Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: CAUGHT_EXCEPTION_WHILE_CONFIGURING_SSL_CLIENT_SOCKET: JSSL0080E: - The client and server could not negotiate the desired level of security. Go to TIPHome bin and type wsadmin.bat/sh -lang jython and hit enter. This will take to wsadmin prompt. At the wsadmin>prompt, issue the following commands, where xxx is the new heap size value, in megabytes.
Jvm=AdminConfig.list('JavaVirtualMachine') 4. AdminConfig.modify(jvm, '[[initialHeapSize xxx]]') 5. AdminConfig.modify(jvm, '[[maximumHeapSize xxx]]') 6. 7. Restart the TIP server so that the values will be updated to the server.xml file. (Please verify the server.xml after restarting whether it is updated with the new values or not.) For example: Set the Minimum heapsize to 1024 Set the Maximum heapsize to 1800 Modified on by 270003TACD.
Summary SUMMARY OF PROBLEM: Create the Export File in TIP->Settings->Export Wizard ->Next ->Next ->Finish NOTE: Take note of the zip file name. Close browser, restart TIP server then open browser, enter URL with the zip file name Example: Anyone will be able to download the export zip file Solution Two steps to resolve this issue. Step 1 - Modify the web.xml Step 2 - Generate policy files Step 1 - Modify the web.xml Stop the TIP server 1. Open the web.xml for editing from profiles TIPProfile config cells TIPCell applications isc.ear deployments isc exportImport.war WEB-INF web.xml 2. Add the in the web.xml as mentioned below exportImport /output/* iscadmins iscusers monitor CONFIDENTIAL 3. Modify the list of as per your requirement.